World map 1100 AD

Map by: Thomas Lessman


III – European Information

   * European information is derived primarily from:

  1.   Euratlas.  Periodical Historical Atlas of Europe.  Map of “Europe in 1100 AD”.

        Note:  User:Bogomolov.PL has discovered possible errors in some of my European borders

               compared to this source, due to the different geographical layout of the maps.

Note:  Much of the information in this map was cross-checked with Bruce Gordon’s Regnal Chronologies.

1106 AD Battle of Tinchebray- An English war of succession came to an end at the Battle of Tinchebray, in Normandy. It began with the death of William II, King of England on August 2nd, 1100. Henry I (Beauclerc) seized the throne, but was opposed by his brother Robert II (Curthhose), of Normandy. Henry defeated Robert at Tinchebray and returned him in chains. Robert spent the rest of his life in prison.
